Web Weekly #149

Guten Tag! Guten Tag! 👋

Do you know what shipped in the Chrome Perf tools recently? Have you used JSON.raw already? And when do you correctly use the figure HTML element?

Turn on the Web Weekly tune and find all the answers below. Enjoy!

Tim listens to “Criminal Code - starcluster”

This track hits an EDM sweet spot for work music — complex enough to be engaging, but clean enough to not distract. Tons of variation and very, very hype. Top kek.

Do you want to share your favorite song with the Web Weekly community? Hit reply; there are four more songs left in the queue.

Generally, I've never been very concerned about serverless platforms going rogue on me. How bad could it be, right? ServerlessHorrors tells another story.

 ServerlessHorrors – Stories you never want to feel on your own skin

And while the scenarios on the site are extreme, let me tell you, I've experienced a serverless horror story myself around Christmas. What happened?

Some of my projects, like Tiny Helpers or my blogroll, show dynamically generated site screenshots. On request, Chrome is kicked off in the cloud, renders the page and returns a site screenshot. Easy peasy.

This endpoint lived in its own project on a subdomain so that I could reuse the endpoint across projects. Someone forked Tiny Helpers and deployed it elsewhere. Ignoring that this is not cool, these things happen when you have MIT code on GitHub. But the clone had massive traffic for whatever reason. Millions of requests were hammering against my tiny private serverless function, generating a $300 Vercel bill.

To be fair, I ignored Vercel's usage warnings for a few days, so that's on me, but if you're running serverless functions, now's the time to double-check if they can create cost if someone misuses them.

Here's a quick checklist of things I did:

  • check if you need a serverless function in the first place
  • check if your serverless provider bills overages
  • check your firewall settings
  • protect your serverless function with header checks

I also put a dummy image on the copy site. Click on your own risk because it's one of these fishy popup sites.

That's it — be safe!

💙 Shoutout to Jonathan for becoming the most recent Web Weekly supporter (Patreon / GitHub Sponsors). Thank you!

If you want to support Web Weekly on social media, reshare this edition Mastodon or Bluesky.

Something that made me smile this week

A geometric cat looking at a ball in the air.

I'll never understand how people can come up with the time and patience to build these things in CSS... It's only 1.5k lines of CSS, right?

Pat the cat

Open tabs

TS Template Literal Types

type ImageExtension =  | e | ; type ImageName = ;  const goodName1: ImageName = 'doggy1.jpeg'; const goodName2: ImageName = 'doggy2.jpg'; const badName: ImageName = 'KittyCat.webp';

I know this TS code is quite something, but it uses one of my favorite TypeScript features — Template Literal Types. Whenever I use template literal types, I feel like a TypeScript pro.

Alex put things to the next level with some advanced use cases.

Type your strings

The Success of Interop

Interop visualisation showing that general interop started at 45% and ended at 95%

Now that everybody writes their year review posts, Jen looked at the results of Interop 2024. If you don't know, Interop is this fantastic initiative in which browser makers agree on new features to ship in a year and they all try to deliver.

And the 2024 results are exceptional. Look at it: for the agreed new platform additions, we reached 95% interoperability. Wowza!

Celebrate Interop

If you want to double-check what was included in Interop 2024, you'll find all the info in the interop dashboard.

What's new in Chrome Perf tools

Screenshot of the improved web perf tools.

I haven't had to dig into gnarly perf issues for a while and primarily trust Lighthouse for quick checks. It turns out, that the Chrome Perf tools got a ton of improvements lately. If you want to learn more, Jack has you covered.

Monitor perf

Node's "new" features

Feature table that includes: testing source code, watching source code, parsing arguments, reading environment, styling output and running TypeScript.

Last week's biggest news was that Node.js now lets you run TypeScript files, but it's not the only "modern" feature that shipped to catch up. I'm also talking about:

  • testing source code
  • watching source code
  • parsing arguments
  • reading environment
  • styling output

If you're using userland code for these tasks, check what modern Node offers.

Trust in Node!

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The wonderful weird web – Spot the difference

"Spot the difference game" with two very detailed and similar looking images.

That could be a German thing, but here we have TV shows where kids must spot the difference between images. And they're quick to discover tiny differences! And I mean, blazingly a thousand times faster than the newest JS framework fast… How do they do it? The trick is almost too simple, and you can spot differences in very detailed images, too!

Use a simple trick

How do you figure?

The figure/figcaption elements are meant to create a meaningful markup structure presenting content that is relevant but not vital to the current document, though often is presented with a descriptive “caption” providing context to the figure content.

Oldie, but goldie: I discovered some strange <figure> HTML patterns in one of my current projects, so I did some reading to fix things. As always, Scott published helpful articles on the figure and figcaption element explaining when and how to use them.

Figure it out

CSS snippets devs should know

2025; I think every front-end developer should know how to enable page transitions, transition a "dialog", popover, and "details", animate light n' dark gradient text, type safe their CSS system, and add springy easing to animation.

Adam came around with a hot take, sharing CSS snippets Frontend developers should know. #noPressure Looking at the current pace of new landing CSS features, this is tough, though. 😅

However, the post is golden and highlights many new things CSS can do today!

Use the latest and greatest

The CSS wishlist of wishlists

CSS Wishlist for 2025

And speaking of the new CSS available already, Chris created an ultimate CSS wishlist of wishlists. It's always great to realize that certain CSS things could be easier.

Dream of the CSS future

Random MDN – rawJSON

const rawJSON = JSON.rawJSON("12345678901234567890"); JSON.stringify({ value: rawJSON }); // {"value":12345678901234567890}

From the unlimited MDN knowledge archive...

Do you know that JSON.stringify can potentially mess with your data? Especially when dealing with huge numbers or invalid JSON types, rawJSON helps out.

Keep your data in check

TIL recap – Why custom properties don't work with the url() function

.something {   /* this doesn't work */   --image: "https://jo.com/image.jpg";   background: url(var(--image)); }

I learned why you can't use custom properties with the url() as you see above. The reason is that browsers run url() in two different modes. Find a detailed explanation on the blog.

Learn about the two url() functions

Find more short web development learnings in my "Today I learned" section.

New on the platform

Safari 18.2 was released in December and included a little nugget I missed. Safari now also supports cross-document view transitions.

This means you can now slap this bad boy (👇) into your CSS and get a nice cross-fade across oldschool HTML navigations in two of the three engines. No JavaScript required.

@view-transition {   navigation: auto; }

You might know that I'm still using Firefox as my main driver, but boy... I want to see all this eye candy now!

Here are some more resources if you want to add some navigation sugar to your sites:

Chrome 133 also entered beta: and it will be a CSS banger with an advanced attr() function, the :open pseudo class, scroll-state(stuck: top) and text-box-trim. Holy Moly!

Classifieds & friends

Working Draft — Wöchentlicher Podcast für Frontend Devs, Design Engineers und Web-Entwickler"innen

For the German-speaking folks: if you're a Podcast listener, you should check out Working Draft. I have listened to it for many years, and it's always worth it!

Three valuable projects to have a look at

A new Tiny Helper

Squish – Compress and convert your images to AVIF, JPEG, JPEG XL, PNG, or WebP

You might know Squoosh, but have you heard of "Squish"? Squish is a bit like Squoosh, but for bulk image operations.

Do you need a UI to convert all your PNGs to AVIF? Drop them in there, and you'll have them in no time!

Compress your images

Find more single-purpose online tools on tiny-helpers.dev.

Thought of the week

I've never thought of how and what I would define as "Software engineering", but I liked this quote in Swizec's post about Software Engineering at Google.

Software engineering is programming over time.

Do you enjoy Web Weekly? | Did you learn something from this issue?

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This is all, friends!

Loved this email? Hated this email? I want to hear about it!

If you think something needs improvement or something sparked some joy, reply to this email because I want to know more!

And with that, take care of yourself - mentally, physically, and emotionally.

I'll see you next week! 👋