Web Weekly #153

Guten Tag! Guten Tag! πŸ‘‹

When will the time come to retire CSS space toggles? How can you influence what enters the web platform? How can you best debug all these nasty layout shifts?

Turn on the Web Weekly tune and find all the answers below. Enjoy!

Pablo listens to β€œWoodkid - Run Boy Runβ€œ:

β€œRun Boy Run” makes me feel the epicness of life, the revelation of some hidden quest for survival and awakening of the urgence of escaping from the oppression.

Do you want to share your favorite song with the Web Weekly community? Hit reply; there are three more songs left in the queue.

Have you heard of the term CSS space toggles?

Get ready; they're mind-bending stuff. Here's a space toggle in action.

Two CSS space toggle examples.

The trick is to use the fallback mechanism of custom properties. You can mimic inline if behaviors by setting a custom property with a space. What? Yes, precisely.

When would you use this trick?

Chris explains the concept and lists examples, including Lea Verou's trick to style buttons differently depending on a CSS custom property.

Two differently styled buttons.

Jim combines space toggles with the new light-dark() function to fine-tune light/dark mode styles.

Example showing space toggle set up to react to media queries.

Some people even build CSS-only Minesweeper with space toggles. 🀯

Minesweeper interface called "CSS-Sweeper"

If you dive into this topic, you probably agree that it is a concept that causes some headaches. Readable code looks different. Does it need to be so complicated?

There's also some spec work in the making to avoid these hacks.

Here's Bramus peaking into the future of real CSS ifs. 😲

A new @function CSS declaration.

All this will still take a while until it works everywhere (if at all), but who's now saying that CSS isn't a programming language, huh? πŸ’ͺ

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A quick "repost" really helps this indie newsletter out. Thank you! ❀️

Something that made me smile this week

Pong running in browser tab favicons

Have you ever thought of aligning 240 browser tabs favicon in a 8x30 grid to display and play Pong in the browser top bar? πŸ˜… Yeah, me neither, but I keep falling in love with Nolen's experiments.

Be creative

New on the blog

:has(:not()) vs :not:(:has())

.card:has(:not(img)) {}  .card:not(:has(img)) {}

This is a great head-scratcher πŸ‘†: Kilian has all the answers if the difference between these two selectors isn't popping right into your head.

Understand the difference

Details in focus handling

Is the button focusable?

Mr. "Just use a button!" himself tested and collected different scenarios affecting focus handling. Does absolute positioning change focus handling? Or content-visibility? Find out for yourself!

Focus (or not)!

All these new details updates

::details-content {   transition: height 0.5s ease, content-visibility 0.5s ease allow-discrete;   height: 0;   overflow: clip; }

Are you aware that the good old details element received many new features? I'm talking about ::marker, ::details-content and the new CSS props interpolate-size and transition-behavior, which finally make it possible to slide things open without hacks.

Geoff shared the current state over on CSSTricks, and I'm so happy that CSSTricks is back to publishing high-quality content.

Style the details

transform fun facts

.box1 {   transform:     translate(200px, 0px) rotate(45deg); } .box2 {   transform:     rotate(45deg) translate(200px, 0px); }

Trick question: do these two transform declarations do the same thing? They don't.

And what happens if you throw scale, translate or rotate in the mix?

Go and find out!


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The wonderful weird web – The whimsical web

"A course from Josh W. Comeau" next to a Synthesizer

What would you do if you were planning to release a course on animations? Correct, put an easter egg into the landing page with a fully functioning synthesizer. πŸ˜… Maybe you'll find it without cheating.

We all know Josh for his attention to detail, but this effort is the cherry on the cake.

Be whimsical

Josh also published an article describing all the little hidden features.

How to influence web platform features

As a web developer, navigating the web platform isn't always easy. Here are ways to keep track of what you can use, of what's new in web browsers, and ways you can influence the development of the platform by making your voice heard.

Here's a quick one for your bookmarks. Patrick collected resources and sites to stay up-to-date with the web platform. What's more interesting are the many ways to get involved and participate in feature discussions.

If you want to be heard by the people building the web platform, get in there!

Become an influencer!

Git features that should be the default

Clearly Makes Git Better β€” This first group of settings clearly makes Git better by default. There are generally zero downsides to enabling any of them.

If you're using Git via the command line, this is a must-read!

Reconfigure Git

TypeScript 5.8

The --erasableSyntaxOnly Option

The new'ish Node.js / TypeScript workflow went full circle. For context, Node.js now supports running TypeScript files via type stripping. So, Node.js won't compile TypeScript but remove all the types and run the JavaScript code. This behavior brings up a problem, though.

What about TypeScript features that aren't just type annotations but syntax that's transformed into different code? The TypeScript team reacted and added the --erasableSyntaxOnly to forbid TypeScript features that can't be stripped out.

Go all in

How to debug layout shifts

Chrome DevTools showing a happened layout shift

There are some new Chrome DevTools features that might have gone unnoticed. The performance panel received some valuable updates to debug layout shifts. This guide explains how you can discover and fix all these moving pieces.

Stop the movement

Random MDN – fetchpriority

img src=photo.jpg fetchpriority=high /

From the unlimited MDN knowledge archive...

Quick reminder: fetchpriority works in all modern browsers to tweak the network waterfall and prioritize images, scripts or stylesheets.

But be careful when using it; when everything becomes a priority, nothing will be!


TIL recap – How to keep your macOS hard drive clean

Why I don't need to clean up my desktop and downloads folder in macOS

I rarely need to empty my OS trash or have a cluttered desktop and an overflowing Downloads folder. Why? I let my Mac do the work automatically with some simple tricks.

If you're going down under thousands of unused files, you should fix this.

Stay clean

Find more short web development learnings in my "Today I learned" section.

Three valuable projects to have a look at

A new Tiny Helper

Lighthouse scoring calculator showing controls for all metrics to see the resulting lighthouse score.

This site is linked in the Chrome Lighthouse report but easily overlooked. If you want to know what metrics to improve to reach a better Lighthouse performance score, check the official Lighthouse scoring calculator!

Check what moves the needle

Find more single-purpose online tools on tiny-helpers.dev.

Thought of the week

Alexander makes strong arguments for betting on the web platform, and you know me, I was nodding along the entire post.

Your team almost certainly doesn’t have what it takes to out-engineer the browser.

Did you learn something new today?

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This is all, friends!

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If you think something needs improvement or something sparked some joy, reply to this email because I want to know more!

And with that, take care of yourself - mentally, physically, and emotionally.

I'll see you next week! πŸ‘‹